Companion Vouchers

Student Tickets & Companion Voucher Sales Open January 16th, 2025

Student Tickets & Companion Vouchers are $150

All guests must have their own Prom Registration with at least one adult and one student (guest) registered.

Companion Voucher Guidelines

  • A Companion Voucher allows eligible students to purchase a ticket for an eligible guest, including a non-homeschooled guest, alumnus, or even another homeschooled student.
  • One Companion Voucher may be purchased per eligible student, who has already purchased a ticket for themselves.
  • It is not necessary to designate a specific guest at the time of purchase.
  • The Companion Voucher may be redeemed anytime after ticket sales open on Thursday, January 16, 2025, but it must be redeemed by Deadline Day – March 25, 2025 (one month prior to prom) or it will be forfeited.
  • Your guest, unless they are a member of your immediate family, must have their own family registration on the prom website, separate from the hosting student’s family. This is a requirement because every family must agree to the prom policies. If they are not a member of your family, you cannot agree for them, so please do not add a non-family member to your account. Doing so will delay the Companion Voucher Redemption process.

Companion Voucher Redemption

As the Companion Voucher owner:

  1. Click “Redeem Companion Voucher,” from your Family Dashboard.
  2. Enter the email address of the recipient (your guest) used on their prom account.
  3. Select their name, and click “Submit.”
  4. The Companion Voucher is automatically assigned to the recipient with no further action required.

Both the Companion Voucher owner and the recipient have the option to reset the Companion Voucher assignment. Doing so frees the Companion Voucher owner to redeem the Companion Voucher for someone else.

If you are a homeschool student, have a Companion Voucher redeemed in your name, and you would also like to purchase a Companion Voucher for your own guest, please send an email to our Registration Team.

Companion Voucher Eligibility

Alumni (have graduated from high school) are eligible to redeem a TxCHP companion voucher purchased by an eligible student, if you:

    • Possess a companion voucher (purchased by an eligible student) redeemed in your name, and
    • Are no older than 20 on the Day of Prom, and
    • Are listed as a student on your family’s TxCHP Dashboard, and
    • Have uploaded a current photo to the Student Profile page on your family’s TxCHP Dashboard

Eligibility for Non-Homeschooled Students

Non-homeschooled students (those attending public school, virtual public school, or private schools) are eligible to redeem a TxCHP companion voucher purchased by an eligible student, if you:

    • Possess a companion voucher (purchased by an eligible student) redeemed in your name, and
    • Are at least 14 as of September 1st of this school year, and 
    • Are no older than 20 on the Day of Prom, and 
    • Are listed as a student on your family’s TxCHP Dashboard, and
    • Have uploaded a current photo to the Student Profile page on your family’s TxCHP Dashboard